Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tepid in Germany...

Decided to look at the stats for this blog today, and am amazed to see that three people from Germany have viewed this week, and 20 or so all time! Sort of boggles my mind that there may be someone half-way around the world sipping warm beer, eating sauerkraut, and reading this blog right now!

Wonder how my brand of humor translates in Germany? Because what's funny to one country may not be so funny to another. Heck, it's hard enough for my students to get my sense of humor sometimes. Usually it's either the early morning class or the one right after lunch that has a problem. I just assume they're either not fully awake or that they are so full all they can think of is going to sleep.

Which can sometimes sum up how I feel, especially in the morning. This morning I overslept quite a bit, and didn't get out of bed until 7:35. Wouldn't be so bad, but had to have my behind in the dentist's chair at 8. Needless to say, I wasn't at my "best" when I got there, but then again the visit was for a temporary crown, so it's not like there wasn't going to be some early morning trauma to ruin any bit of primping I'd done anyway.

Anyway, when I looked at the stats for the site, I also saw that I had a few viewers from Great Britain, home of fish and chips and Jane Austen, one of my all-time favorite writers and creator of the amazing Mr. Darcy, brought to life so perfectly by Colin Firth. The white shirt. {sigh} Bridget Jones is a kindred spirit on that one.

Also have had a reader from Latvia, Jamaica, Sweden, Denmark, and a few other countries. I didn't actually memorize the list. And I can't think of food or authors from each of those right off the top of my head, but I'm sure they're all lovely places. Well, there's Italy, too, and I can absolutely think of food from there! But again, how does the humor translate into Italian? Planning a visit there the summer of 2013, so maybe I'll find out!

In the meantime, it's enough to know that for a few Herrs and Fraus overseas, that while I may not actually be "hot" there, maybe I'm tepid in Germany.

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