Monday, October 24, 2011

Kitchen vs Pool

There is this house I want to buy. Really, really want to buy. It has a pool :-)

Okay, that's not the ONLY reason I want to buy the house, but it's a big part of the reason. It's a great big house, much more than I need, but dang it would be nice. The only problem is the person who moved out of the house went, shall we say, in a hurry? In the process of doing so, the person seems to have taken the entire kitchen and part of the bathrooms with him, along with the carpet in two of the bedrooms and several doors. Who knows what else?

I kid you not. It's just crazy. Now, I haven't actually gone inside the house yet to look at it. I've driven up and peeked in the windows, peeked around the back of the house, and was very tempted to jump the fence and check out the back yard and the POOL! And I know once I go inside it will be much harder to resist... the pool!

Did I mention the house has a pool? It's a Mediterranean style house, and I could easily turn it into the beach house of my dreams. If only I could figure out how to finance the "turning it into" part, that is. Because I really, really, really want a house with a pool.

Why? Best job I ever had, hands down, was as a lifeguard. I loved that job. The pay wasn't good, but the wardrobe was a breeze. All I had to do was sit by a pool, drink lemonade for eight hours a day, and make sure no one drowned, which is really not that hard to keep from happening in a pool. Especially with little kids; you just reach down and pluck them out of the water and hope they don't throw up until you're outside the pool area.

Also took synchronized swimming when I was in college, and had a blast doing that. What can I say? I love to swim. Just feels so good to be in the water, moving in whatever direction you like, just surfacing for air now and then. Must have been a porpise in a former life or something. No, an otter, much more fun being an otter. But {sigh} I was probably a whale. Eat a lot of plankton, sing off key, that kind of thing.

So, the decision lies before me: a kitchen or a pool? 'Cause I also love to cook, and can't imagine not having a kitchen, even just for a couple of months. But two months without a kitchen for a lifetime with a pool? That I might can do.

Maybe I need to Occupy Georgia Lottery this week!

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