Thursday, October 20, 2011

In an effort to try and live what I preach to my students, I am determined to take this whole blogging thing more seriously. So if you're following me, you will have the "opportunity" to read my rants and random musings on a more regular basis. Thankfully, they'll probably be shorter as well.

Today's musing is fairly benign; the first real chill in the air nipped at my nose this morning, and I welcomed it with a hearty, hacking cough. Luckily, it was just an early morning cough and seems to have dissipated, much like the really dense fog we had here in Augusta a few days ago. Which is not dissimilar to the really dense fog in my brain these last few months that had a brief clearing yesterday, allowing me to grade three sets of tests that were begging for attention. Am determined to get through some writing that needs grading today, but the clarity of yesterday seems to be abating. I find myself staring at what was once a beautiful and healthy schefflera plant in my office that is dying the big death. Tinted windows will do that to a plant, I guess. Need to get it out of here and try to rescue it at home before it dies completely. The guilt of watching it turn brown and losing more and more leaves every day -- we're down to one stalk from the original three -- is driving me to drink!

Happy Wednesday everyone.


Cynthia said...

I've signed up to follow your blog and I look forward to reading your thoughts. I love the name! I think it's very appropriate! LOL

Terri Sasser said...

Thanks Cynthia!