Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Where the heck did this year go? Seriously. It seems like the years go by faster and faster these days. Cannot imagine what happened to 2010! Of course, around this time of year people's thoughts naturally turn to the idea of resolutions, and as I sit here, less than three hours from 2011, those thoughts are rumbling through my head. To paraphrase the Bard, to resolve or not to resolve, that is the question! Of course, I can think of a few resolutions I'd like to make for others. Brett Farve, for instance, should resolve to just step away from the cell phone. No phone messages and definitely no pictures for the year. Go cut grass or something, but stay away from the phone! And I wish Angelina Jolie would resolve to eat one entire meal each week this year, once that includes protein and fat. I'm tired of counting her vertebra every time I see a picture of her. Fashion designers for women's clothing should resolve to accept the fact that most women have breasts that require a bra and design their clothing accordingly!

As for me, I've decided to depart from the standard lose weight, exercise, and try to be nice to people resolutions and make some that I think I can really keep. So here goes...

I resolve to eat chocolate every week.

I resolve to sleep more. The older I get the more I seem to need and the harder it is to find. But I'm willing to work on it.

I resolve to speak my mind. Such a difficult one for me, but will do my best.

I resolve to laugh at least once every day. It may just be at myself, but you can never laugh too much, you know?

I resolve to listen to more Jimmy Buffett music. You can never hear "Coast of Marsailles" or "Pirate Looks at Forty" too many times.

I resolve to be more daring. Well, as daring as I can be within legal limits. Or at least without getting caught.

I resolve to spend less time on Facebook and more time face-to-face with my friends.

Finally, I resolve to just enjoy life more! That's one resolution I think I'll make every year from now on.

Happy New Year to all, and may 2011 be your greatest year ever!

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