Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Baby it's cold outside!

Apparently some random son-of-a-biscuit-eater moved to the Deep South from Canada about a week ago and forgot to shut the door behind him! What the heck is going on here? This is December. You know, the time of year when we're all running from shop to shop, outdoors, in the cool air, not the cold arctic blast of frigidity that's been tickling our tighly layered backsides for the past week! Enough is enough. We KNOW we're not going to get a White Christmas, so all this cold is just a terrible tease for no good reason.

Luckily, the place I'm renting while I decide what to do with the next 20 or so years of my life stays pretty warm. As long as you're not on the floor. Remember the bed? Yes, I've been sleeping on the floor for the last 10 days, and I think that cold air rushing around down at floor level has been what's keeping this cold lingering for so long. But I got the bed rail back today, hopefully repaired and ready to hold me aloft for another few years without uncerimoniously crashing me to the ground in the middle of the night. So, back aloft in my tall bed tonight, and I am a happy girl! Really hoping that since hot air rises, it will rise to my sleeping level and run this congestion out of town.

Of course, lots of folks seem to have the creeping crud right now, and it just won't turn loose. I blame the random Canadian. He probably let some foreign Canadian germs across the border, too. We Southerners don't have the appropriate immune system for that, just like we don't have the appropriate clothing for this weather. Oh, I COULD put on a pair of panty hose under my pants to help stay warm, but it's not like I'm staying outside, and I just can't stand to wear those things any longer than I absolutely have to. Bought a nice, warm coat to go to a conference a few years ago -- in Boston -- in NOVEMBER -- and I can break that out, if needed. But it's such a pain to wear it in the car, and then to take it with you when you go places. It's almost like you have to babysit it. What do people who wear coats most of the year do with those things? I mean, do they wear them inside all the time? Don't they have heaters? I can barely stand carrying a purse all day; adding another garment to it is just, well, crazy.

My blood is so thin that when the temp goes below 70 I get chill bumps. I've been in the sunny South too long; if I tried to hang out with Sarah Palin in her Alaska I'd be a big ole meat popsicle in no time. Just frozen, still, unable to move, a veritable smorgasbord of grits and bacon-infused protein for some hungry polar bear. Or....da da daaaaa.... the Abominable Snowman!!!! Rudolph, save me!

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