Saturday, May 19, 2012

Reflections on my new home...

Okay; it's been some time since I posted but I've been busy. Really. Had some minor surgery, taught another semester of classes, and bought a house.

Yes, I bought a new house. Yea, me! And it's not really new, but it's new to me, so that counts. This is the third house I've bought, and it was definitely a pain in the behind toward the end of the process. But I'm in it -- thanks to the grace and brawn and goodwill of some students and co-workers -- so I'm a happy girl.

The house was built in 1939, which makes it ... oh, about 73 years old. Takes me a minute to do math. Anyway, it's a great old house, two-story with beautiful hardwood floors throughout most of the house. The rooms are a good size, and I bought a beautiful, big-ass, stainless steel French door refrigerator for the  kitchen, which makes me really happy. I swear that thing is kitchen porn; I love it! There's also a huge yard -- it's a .25 acre lot -- which should keep me busy for quite some time.

But as with most older houses, there are storage issues. I have boxes half-opened and sitting around much of the house right now, looking for a place to put their contents. After thinking about it for over a week and spending one very frustrating hour putting together a perfectly lovely bookshelf for my bedroom, I decided to hire someone to do some stuff for me, like put up blinds in the 28 windows of this house!!!

Hiring someone to help is a tough decision for me. As my friends who know me are well aware, I prefer doing things myself. I mean, I am woman, hear me roar! I can re-finish furniture, put in steel edging for my flower beds, hang pictures, all that good stuff. But while I CAN do all that stuff, I just don't want to this time. I want it done! In a few days, not in the few months it would take me to make time to do everything. As I am now firmly in my 50s (ugh!) my new motto is I am woman, I have checkbook, and I will pay someone to do this stuff!

So the guy came out today and looked at everything. I told him what I needed, and I'm just waiting on him to tell me what the damage will be to my savings account. All I know is I want it done! If I can finish getting the kitchen and my closet put away, and get that outdoor storage unit put together, I can breathe again, start hanging some pictures on the wall and having folks over for dinner. And get out in the yard and put in some vegetables and flowers.

Still need to come up with a name for the place. There's a magnolia tree in the front yard, along with an oak tree that may or may not make it. There's a beautiful dogwood on one side, and an enormous and beautiful sweet gum in the back. The house is taupe with  black shutters and a red door, kind of a Federalist look to the front. There are sweet olives along the back of the house, and I plan to put in some gardenias and hydrangeas, more azaleas and of course irises and daylilies and all that good stuff.

Would love a really cool name, something I could put on a sign and hang out to welcome guests, maybe something with a literary or movie reference. I love Jane Austen, Monty Python, and John Wayne equally, so the field is pretty wide. I'm also kind of a nerd, because I also like Star Trek, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and the Big Bang Theory.

Any suggestions?

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