Saturday, April 9, 2011

Why The Donald should not be President

Been on spring break the past week, and catching the news here and there. Oh sure, the threatened clossre of the federal government was big news. And living in Augusta, the Master's Tournament garners it's entire section of the newspaper each day. But there's one continuing story that continues to boggle my mind... Why the heck is Donald Trump considering a run for President? I mean, really? The Donald? You'd think the pay cut alone would be enough to make him reconsider. And while I think having him consult on some financial issues could be a good idea, does anyone seriously want this guy to represent us to the rest of the world, the be the official "face" of America? I, for one, do not. And here's why...

#1. No one with that much money should have hair that bad. Seriously. For heaven's sake Donald, BUY a freaking mirror and look at it! If he can't make a good decision on something as basic as a hairstyle, I sure don't want him in control of nuclear weapons.

#2. The way he talks just creeps me out. It's not the words he uses, but the way he moves his mouth, like a fish out of water, sucking air. Watch him. It's creepy. Can you imagine watching him speak through an entire press conference or -- even worse -- State of the Union speech?

#3. I can just picture him putting the members of Conress together in teams to see who can make the most money for their favorite charity to determine who gets control of the budget. Not that it would be any worse than our current system seems to be, but still I don't want to watch a reality show with John Boehner and Harry Reid as the "stars."

#4. I don't want Frick and Frack -- or whatever his adult children are called -- taking turns as Vice-President, because you just KNOW that's what he'd do. "Daddy, you said I could be Vice-President this month, not him!" Yuk.

#5. Too many First Ladies. If he can't make up his mind about a woman, he surely can't make up his mind about how to maintain diplomatic relations with foreign countries.

#6. He squints too much. Now I know there are other famous squinters, like Clint Eastwood, and it seems to work for him. But combined with the fish mouth and the bad hair, the squint is just downright untrustworthy when The Donald does it.

#7. That nickname: The Donald. What the hell does that mean? I know several Donald's and they don't call themselves "The" Donald. Does he seriously think he's the only one?

#8. Just very afraid The White House would become Trump Manor @ D.C. He'd probably glitz it up with some hot tubs and lots of gold paint, maybe even add a group of scantily clad women to lead the tours. Add lots of new lights, maybe add an extra 50 floors! Then again, if he did that he could rent rooms overnight at astronomical fees to Lobbyists and use the money to pay off the national debt....

#9. Every time he wanted to change out a Cabinet member, he'd call them all into his conference room and put it on television, make them all rat each other out, then tell one of them "You're Fired!" While that could be fun, it would wind up pre-empting everything else because he enjoys saying it so much. And just the fact that he could pre-empt all other television would be reason enough for him to do it on a regular basis. This man loves to see himself on TV!

10. Sorry, but it really needs repeating: The hair. H-I-D-E-O-U-S! Have no doubt it frightens small children.

Needless to say, I vow to continue monitoring the situation and report any changes in my opinon.

Or the hair...

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