Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Random Sass



Thank goodness! Today I finally had my annual injury. For those who don't know me, I usually have some strange and unusual injury ever year. Nothing major, just really random stuff that usually happens either to people much younger than me or to essentially no one. Rarely do they require medical attention -- except for the dreaded Avacado Incident of 2007 -- but they usually occur at the most inopportune times.

Well, actually I guess you could say this is my second random injury. While at a conference in Denver a few weeks ago, I somehow managed to burn my left eyelid with a piping hot curling iron. And no, I wasn't trying to curl my lashes. Number one, they're not that long. Number two, I just don't care that much :-) Anyway, other than having the look of someone with an awkward brow lift for a few days, that was pretty mild. Today was a doozey. A shoulder bag of books and papers, a handful of stuff, a wandering eye, and a teensy lack of coordination do not go well together. Stepped off a curb in an extraordinarily odd way which allowed me to crash resoundingly onto the asphalt on my right knee while leaving my left knee mostly intact and not twisting an ankle. Olympic judges would have given the crash a 6.2 for style but a 9.0 for level of difficulty, I'm sure! Anyway, I gathered my posessions, hopped back up again and headed to my vehicle just a few hundred feet a way; was not able to recover my dignity, however. Expecting a bloody mess, upon inspection the knee was discovered to be seriously scraped only, but I am expecting a spectacular bruise!

All this in anticipation of a long Thanksgiving weekend spent alone, working on getting things prepared for the end of the semester and working on my #$*^%)$ dissertation! I've had offers to go to several events, and could have gone back to Mississippi to see family, but I really need to get this #)#@($% dissertation going again! After a three-month, inexplicable delay in the IRB office, it came back to me with no -- count them, no -- changes, but found me sadly lacking in the enthusiasm I had mustered together four months ago. So, I'll work on reclaiming that enthusiasm, and am willing to try almost any measure -- inclduing applying liberal alcoholic libations -- to assure I return to work on it. We shall see.

For today, I plan to nurse the knee with an ice bag and nurse my dignity with a single Russian Qualude. It's a drink, not a drug, but I expect to sleep exceptionally well tonight. Tomorrow, I will happily substitute chicken for turkey in my Thanksgiving feast, and will supplement it with roasted sweet potatoes and apples, fresh asparagus with sauce ala Sass, and a yummy triple-berry cobbler, made from raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries. Yum! All I can say is that if God had meant me to be thin, he wouldn't have made me such a good cook :-)

Happy Thanksgiving, ya'll!!!!


Margie said...

I loved reading your columns in college, and I loved this one as well! Happy Thanksgiving, and I'll say a little prayer for some dissertation enthusiasm for you! :-)


Leslie Rasmussen said...

Sasser is so sassy! I love that I can 'hear' your voice anytime now -- thanks to this blog.

Terri Sasser said...

Thanks, ya'll! I'm having a blast doing this.