Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I was thinking...

Got an e-mail this afternoon that got me to thinking. It was one of those "if you love God" e-mails. You know what I mean; the ones that start with some sappy sentiment about how cute puppies are and how we find joy in the smile of a child, then in the last paragraph ... IF YOU LOVE GOD SEND THIS IMMEDIATELY TO 10 FRIENDS. IF YOU DO, A MIRACLE WILL OCCUR! What miracle? That another ten people will be fooled into forwarding a piece of junk e-mail? The ones I hate the most are those that threaten you with dire repercussions if you DON'T forward the "oh so special" message from God.

"Ricardo in Peru received this and did not forward to anyone. The next day, a house fell on him." Okay, so I watched Wizard of Oz this weekend. You get my drift.

Anyway, after I promptly deleted the e-mail, I thought wouldn't it be weird if, when we die and go to heaven, there's someone there checking how many of those e-mails we forwarded? Maybe Paul is standing there at the Pearly Gates with a Mac with some super-duper celestially powered wi-fi that's fast enough to search out every e-mail you've ever sent? What if that determines who you sit by at dinner for all eternity or something? Maybe I have to stand next to the angel who sings off key throughout all eternity if I don't send my quota! OMG, what have I done? Wait! Should I say OMG? Is there a special Purgatory for those who say OMG more than 10 times a day? Do you realize and entire generation will wind up there?

So that's what I was thinking today. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, isn't it?


Donna J said...

well, I was thinking that I'll probably be sitting next to you at that table! IF I ever forward those messages on, I delete all the sentences about the dire circumstances that will befall you if you don't forward it on :)

Terri Sasser said...

LOL Donna! We'll sing off-key together!